The Buea Council women joined the rest of the nation to celebrate the 40 th edition of the international women’s day on the 08th of march 2023, organized under the theme: “For all women and girls: Right, Equality and Empowerment”.
The ceremony was presided over by the Governor of the South West Region H.E Bernard Okalia Bilai. Also, in attendance were administrative, political, religious and traditional authorities of Buea, the City of Legendary hospitality. The occasion was an opportunity to remind the women of the major role they play in the society, the Regional Delegate for Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, detailed the place of the woman and that of the girl child in the family. Reminding the women, that they are not in a competition with the men but rather they are called to be complementary and not competitors.
In her welcome address, Madam Akawoh Minerva Epse Molinge 1st Deputy Mayor of Buea Council, expressed the desire of seeing women growing through the ladder of our society and occupying public positions just as men do, the like of governors, Senior Divisional Officers, Colonels traditional rulers just to name a few.
The young girl was not left out of the show as the young N. Faith in her exposé, called on the attention of the elderly, how many young girls are been molested daily, their bodies and pride used as objects denigrating all their Rights, most of them forced to step out from school killing their dreams. The society should look at the little girl, who is crying for security and protection.
The ceremony witnessed the participation of women of all walks of life. It ended with the award of certificates of recognition to some women who have distinguished themselves throughout the year 2024. The woman of the Year for the South West Region was awarded to Madame Becky Efoe, while the women thought it wise that they cannot talk of a woman without a man, H.E Bernard Okalia Bilai was awarded the man of the year for the South West. The award comes after the multiple actions recorded to him that he has been taken to see that no woman or girl child is a victim of gender-based violence and the case is not attended to.