When the British took over the administration of British Cameroon, Victoria Division was divided into eight (8) Districts. Between 1918 and 1922 the British applied the policy of indirect rule and District was under the District Head who was a chief (traditional Ruler). Buea Hausa Town was one of the eight (8) Districts with Chief Mathias Lifafa Endeley as Head. By 1930 Victoria Division was divided into 11 Native Authorities. Buea Hausa Town was made Bakweri Clan Native Authority. The villages within the Authority included Buea, Muea, Lysoka, Bojongo and Mutengene. Between 1935 and 1958 Victoria Division was regrouped into three (3) Native Authorities. They included,
In 1958, Bakweri Districk Council replaced Bakweri Tribal Native Authority; Mutengene was detached from Buea and attachedto the newly created Tiko council.
From 1962, the Bakweri Council was reformed to include strangers as councillors and elections into the council were on political party lines.
In 1964, Ekona was detached from Bakweri Council and added to Balong Council.
From 1977, Bakweri Council was renamed Buea Rural Council while in 1995 Idenau Rural Council was created to include some villages which had been under Buea Rural Council. The following court areas: Buea, Muea, Lysoka and Bonjongo. Both history and governance has altered and rendered the Buea Municipality as it is called today, one of the most complex and unique Council areas in the country.
In a nutshell, the Buea Council started in 1922 as the Bakweri clan council under Chief Mathias Lifafa Endeley with the British local governance in practice. It only became a full-fledged council on 29th June 1977, created by Presidential decree No. 77/203 to become Buea Rural Council.
Buea council has presently metamorphosed into a modern council institution with the following as mayors and years of reign respectively: Ray Lyonga Ikundi, 1984-1987, Becke Smith Molua 1987-1995, Gladys Silo Endeley, 1995-1996, John Mokake Endeley, 1996-2002, Mbella Moki Charles 2002-2013, 2013-2019 Ekema Patrick Esunge and 2020- present Mayor David Mafani Namange Esq.
Location of the Council
The Buea Council is the Sub Divisional Head quarter of Buea and the South West Régional Head quarter of Cameroon. Created on the 29th of June 1977 by presidential decree No. 77/203, the Buea Council has a surface area of 870 Sq.km, over 100 villages, four distinctly identified urban spaces as per outlined criteria (Buea station, Soppo, Molyko/Mile 17 and Muea). It is a highly complex community caught between a blend of urban, semi urban, rural and traditional settings.
Buea Council is bounded to the north by tropical forest on the slope of mount Cameroon (4100m above sea level). The mountain range extends to the beautiful sandy beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. The town also shares boundary with other major towns like the City of Limbe to the South West, Tiko municipality to the South East, Muyuka municipality to the East and Idenau district to the West. With an equatorial climate, temperatures are moderate with a slight seasonal variation (rainy and dry season). Buea has moderate economy with agricultural, administrative, business, tourism and the financial sector taking the centre stage of the town.
Buea has an estimated population of above 587.000 inhabitants (the 2023 updated Communal Development Plan) constituting essentially of the Bakweris (the indigenes) in the villages and a highly cosmopolitan population within the urban space putting the indigenes at a minority. The Bakweri language spoken by the natives is equally written and documented. English and French are two official languages used for general interaction while pidgin is the lingua franca. The average life expectancy of this area is 50 years (2023 updated CDP. Literacy rate is on the rise with some 70-81% of the youths having access to education.
City’s rich, cultural heritage and contributions to education and governance make it a notable centre in the Region.
Overall, Buea’s history is characterised by its colonial legacy, cultural diversity, educational prominence, and its position as a key administrative and trade centre in the South-West Region of Cameroon and hosting of significant events such as the Reunification Celebration in 2024.
The City is also home to the University of Buea, the first Anglophone University in Cameroon, and host the Nigerian Consulate in Anglophone Cameroon. The City is known for its tea-growing industry, especially in Tole. Additionally, Buea has been the main operartional hub of Naigahelp medical aid organisation.
The historical significance of Buea is further highlighted by its role as the former capital of German Kamerun and British Cameroon, as well as it current status as the Regional Capital of the South-West Region of Cameroon.
Buea, originally “Gbeya” was founded by a hunter who came from the Bomboko area, Eya Njiya Tama Lihvanje
It was the Colonial Capital of German Kemerun from 1901 to 1919, the capital of the Southern Cameroons from 1949 until 1961, and the capital of West Cameroon until 1972.
The town’s historical significance is evident in the preservation of serval historical sites from the early mission and colonial periods, including the Prime Ministerial Lodge, the old secretariat, the Bismark fountain, the Native Authority School, and the German Burial Ground.
In recent times, the Buea Council has been actively involved in the development and governance of the town and in preparation.
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Clerks Quarters, Buea. South West Region, Cameroon.
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