Denizen of the Buea Municipality have started benefiting from the newly constructed market around the BWITINGUI neighborhood. This was after its inauguration by the minister of Decentralization and Local Development, H.E Minister Georges ELANGA OBAM, on Wednesday June 5th, 2024.

The new market, which has over 100 shops, constructed on three buildings, is aimed at boosting activities, within the town of Buea. The project which began in 2020, consist of two lots amounting to 229,143,900 FRS. The first lot constitute of the site preparation and carrying out of the external works, while the second lot of 245,541,960 FRS constituted of the construction of one block of twenty-six (26) closed up shops and two (02) blocks of seventy-six (76) open stalls to enterprise BABCAM Industries Ltd and BATILUX Company respectively. Other related studies such as the Environmental Impact Studies stood at 27,510,000 Frs giving a total of 605,000,000Frs.

This realized of this project is thanks to the partnership of the KFW, a German cooperation, and FEICOM through the Ministry of Decentralization and Local development. During the inauguration ceremony, Minister GEORGE ELANGA OBAM reiterated the vision of the Head of State H.E Paul Biya in a bid to fast track the decentralization process and provide a solution to local problems encountered by the population.

At the end of the ceremony. The Mayor of the Buea Council, Barrister David MAFANI NAMANGE, thanked the Head of State, KFW, and FEICOM for the realization of this beautiful edifice within the Buea Municipality. While calling on the local population who are the first benefactors of the project to make use of it, and equally said that the doors of the council are open for any business operator who will like to work in partnership with the Buea Council in a Build Operate and Transfer system as to complete the markets construction project.       


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