2023 labour day celebration at the buea council


2023 labour day celebration at the buea council

The staff, management team and councilors of the Buea Council today 1st of May 2023, joined workers of the rest of the workers of the world to celebrate the137th edition of the International Labour Day observed under the theme: “Resilience and Decent Work: Acting together in the world of work to improve living conditions and social inclusion.

In Fako, the celebration was presided over by the Senior Divisional Officer of Fako Mr. CHAIBOU. Amongst some of the highlights of the occasion was the award of labor medals to meritorious workers, speeches as well as a march past coordinated by the Divisional Delegation of Youth Affairs and Civic education for Fako. At the end of the march past, the workers of at the Buea Council retired at the Council premises to feast. The occasion was an opportunity for the staff of the Council bid farewell to one of their colleague Mr. Eko Moki Peter, who will be going on a well-deserved retirement in a few days time, after rendering good quality services to the Municipality and the Nation as a whole. The representative of the staff took the commitment to ensure that the staff were assiduous at work and thanked management for the regular payment of salaries.

On his part, the Lord Mayor David Mafani Namange Esq, seized the opportunity to thank the staff for their hard work and resilience. He further urged them to be productive for the collective good of the Council. The celebration ended with merry making and dance dance dance while taking another revendez-vous for 2024.

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